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How to Save Money on Accommodations While Traveling


Do you love to travel but hate to pay out too much on accommodations? We’ve all felt like we paid out too much for hotel rooms in the past. It can be difficult to learn that you could have paid much less if you had only shopped around before you booked your stay. Fortunately, there are several things that you can do to help save yourself some extra spending cash when you book your next trip. By following these steps, you will enjoy staying in top-rated hotels without paying the five-star prices.

Comparison Shop by Letting Hotels Know What You’re Planning to Pay another Location

Start off by booking a hotel reservation that can be cancelled without fees or restrictions. Then, call up a nearby hotel that isn’t part of the same chain and see if they will offer you a more affordable deal. Let them know that you have a reservation at another hotel and what the price is. They may be willing to offer you the same room at a lower price just to beat out their competitors.

Booking Your Stay Overseas? Search on Non-US Websites

Chances are good that you’re not going to get a great deal on overseas accommodations while booking on a US website. By checking out what other hotel search tools from different countries have to offer, you will notice that you have a much broader selection in terms of price and package deals. There, you will be able to find affordable hotels that may not be found on popular US websites.

Knowing the Right Words to Say Can Make the Difference

When you need to book a budget hotel, it is a good idea to understand how the hotel language works. If you call a hotel and ask for the “best deal on a room,” you may not get the most accurate results. However, if you ask for the “cheapest nonrefundable rate,” you will be more likely to get a room without paying out too much. Another tip from hotel clerks is that if you are requesting an upgrade, the best time to ask is if you check in around 6 p.m. At this time of day, the clerks know which rooms are going to be vacant that night.

Lock in Your Affordable Rate without Prepaying Anything

Accommodation rates often go up and down from one day to the next. If you are unsure about when you should book your hotel room, you can use an online source to help lock in your rate. There are various websites available that can help you “call dibs” on your hotel room and price. While there may only be a few hotel chains that participate in this type of comparison pricing, you could still save plenty of money on your total hotel costs.

Look for Hotel Discounts Everywhere

You can become an AAA member and save a reasonable amount on hotel stays all across the country. Always be sure to shop around and take advantage of comparison sites, discounts, and coupon websites that offer special deals, especially during busy travel seasons. AAA members can receive as much as a 50% discount at many national hotel chains.

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