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What Different Kinds of Luxury Travel Destinations Are There


Since the world is somewhat limited, the destinations out there for luxury tourists are practically the same nowadays as for your day to day travellers. What sets apart modern luxury travelling is the attention which is paid to privacy, style, and service; all vital requirements that come with a premium. When dealing with luxury travel destinations, the point in question isn’t always where the trip is to, but how it gets done.

By Sea

A number of luxury travel destinations are best travelled to by sea, and with the right kind of budget, these places can inevitably be visited in style. Islands such as Saint Martin, Tahiti, Cuba, and Hawaii all offer superb travel plans to suit any budget. On places like the exclusive island of Mustique, in the West Indies, where many known well known celebrities and even some royalty choose for their R&R, private villas feature dedicated and well groomed personal staff.

Whilst over in Hawaii, luxury travellers can spend all of their time next to the ocean by simply hiring a fully staffed private yacht, many of which feature hot tubs, gourmet kitchens and other wonderful extras which make it at times seem unworldly.

Magnificent Hotels, Castles and Scenery

Those wanting to get a true taste of the many luxury travel destinations offered by places such as Mandarin Oriental Hotels, may also wish to simply rent a castle for a week or two. In places such as Ireland, Scotland, and on the European continent, there are these days a large number of restored castles and chateaus with interesting histories and a selection of specialty services that can make for a definite legendary escape.

Frequently, a holiday is all about being pampered; luxury travel destinations with top class full-service spas certainly answer any wishes in that department. Destination spas usually crop up close to natural warm springs and areas with stunning scenery, such as Sedona, Thailand, Switzerland, and the Greek Islands. Luxury spas can include services such as those of personal chefs, customised treatment plans, and private meditation, yoga or exercise sessions.

Some Adventure into the Mix

And just because someone is voyaging in style doesn’t mean he or she wishes to do without some adventure; nowadays, luxury safaris in Africa have become a popular style of fashionable journey. This kind of safari provides luxury tents and lodges, spa treatments, animal encounters, and connoisseur meals. But a word of caution!

It is vitally important for any traveller to refrain from being lured into a false sense of security by all of the luxury as wild animals are still dangerous, despite the level of service.

It’s A Big Old World!

The perfect luxury travel destination can be found almost anywhere on the planet. In the past, a lot of people book their luxury travel via an agent, although nowadays with the advent of the Internet, things have been made a lot simpler with regards to not only travel but also sites providing excellent luxury travel advice.

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