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6 Essential Tips for Travelling as a Vegan in Jakarta, Indonesia


Indonesia is the largest economy in Southeast Asia, with about 250 million people. The country is known for its numerous islands and jaw-dropping landscapes and sceneries. The fertile lands of Indonesia produce a lot of rice and spices, and the seas surrounding the islands provide seafood in abundance. Although you may find numerous food choices in Indonesia, the country is not often thought of as a vegetarian’s paradise.

Indonesian’s love for meat, especially fish, is unmatched. Meat is somehow expensive in Indonesia, but it’s part of Indonesian’s everyday diet. A few years ago, only a few hotels in Jakarta, Indonesia, served vegetarian dishes. But with the popularity of tourism in the country, it’s now easy to find hotels in Jakarta that serve vegetarian dishes. If you are looking for vegan-friendly hotel Ayana in Indonesia Jakarta, here’re some tips for you.

Research Before You Go

If you are a vegan traveling to Jakarta, Indonesia, it’s essential to do thorough research before embarking on the trip. Some places in Indonesia are more vegan friendly than others. For instance, Bali, the most popular on the island in Indonesia, has the highest number of vegan restaurants. Ubud is another vegan-friendly destination in Indonesia. Hundreds of vegans also flock Jakarta Indonesia to enjoy their favorite food in the numerous vegan restaurants in the city.

Learn the Basics

If you are a vegan traveling to Jakarta Indonesia or any other place, it would be sensible to learn a little bit of the local language. It would be easier to get your message across in a restaurant if you know some basic phrases. For instance, you can learn how to ask if a dish contains eggs, meat, milk, or other ingredients you would wish to avoid. This way, you can be sure that the restaurant attendants will understand your requests.

Go to Select Restaurants

Sometimes, learning a foreign language may not be your thing. In such a case, you should consider going to a restaurant where attendants can speak and understand English. In most places, you will get individuals speaking Bahasa, the Indonesian national language. But most of the 5-star hotels in Jakarta employ multilingual attendants who can easily communicate with foreigners. Instead of taking the risk of ordering food with animal products, go to these hotels where you can place your order without problems.

Don’t Fear to Experiment with Street Food

Food street carts are in almost every corner in Jakarta. These foods are cheap and tasty too. In fact, some of the recipes in high-end hotels came from the streets. You may consider the various vegan-friendly foods sold in the streets such as tempeh, rice, vegetables, noodles, and a variety of fruits. The only problem of eating street food is the risk of coming across mishandled food. If you are worried about your health, you should avoid street food at all costs.

Choose the Right Accommodation

Choosing the right accommodation while traveling to Jakarta Indonesia can make a massive difference to your trip. If possible, look for accommodation with a kitchen or an Airbnb where you can prepare your meals. If you can access the kitchen, then you are free to make your favorite vegan meals. The good thing is that you can take some inspiration from Indonesia’s traditional foods and prepare your own using local ingredients.

Consider Packing Your Snacks

Packing some vegan snacks can be a lifesaver, especially when traveling to a place with few or no vegan-friendly restaurants. You may consider packing some vegan crisps, nuts, or chocolate before heading out. If you don’t find a vegan-friendly hotel, then you will have something to keep you pushing until you can find a vegan-friendly restaurant.

Bottom Line

The easiest way to find vegan-friendly restaurants in Jakarta is by doing your research. Look up online reviews, vegan travel hashtags, and other travel articles. You may be surprised to know that your favorite vegan dishes are already served in Jakarta, Indonesia.

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